How to plan the maintenance of a building

Developing a plan for maintenance for a satisfactory building requires a solid cleaning and repairs program. Invest in building maintenance, as this influences the tenant satisfaction and the value in the market of property. Make a maintenance plan that helps ensure the experience of living or doing business in a particular building is good. Neglecting maintenance for long time is physically difficult to reverse and costly to implement recovery. Since a building is a sound financial investment, maintenance support for investment in all aspects.

Instructions :

  • Check all that is needed to clean and repair after the schedule maintenance and remuneration for the work needed to be done Notes first big problems. Plan to hire a construction expert to inspect the roof and foundation, since these areas depends on the integrity of the building.
  • Work on the maintenance plan. Make a work plan to address first the maintenance of building exteriors. Keep a notebook to write down the details. Locate good contractors to whom you can call when you need some service. For example, plan caulking windows and repairing ditches to prevent rain damage. Make a list of problems in inland areas, such as replacing tiles or lighting, to do after caulking. If the budget is limited, address maintenance issues in order of importance.
  • Start calling to interview potential employees. Locate individuals or companies and put them in a file. Plan to hire workers either part time or full time. Make a written list of how to train each worker to address specific issues. Note on preferred products for cleaning windows, bathrooms or floors in the entrance hall.
  • Make a plan for the supply of cleaning items when the work really begins. Purchase a large amount of cleaning rags and small repair tools, such as screwdrivers and hammers. Think assign a cart to a particular worker. Develop a written method to help future workers to replenish supplies from cart. For example, designate a central warehouse in the building that will serve as the site for workers to load their carts with products.
  • Create a detailed list of tasks for each worker. Develop a program for all tasks, even the smallest detail of each inner and outer space. Ask workers once work actually begins, to mark the tasks assigned once completed.

Tips & Warnings

  • Create detailed lists to make the reporting of results easier for workers. Not all workers classify cleaning or maintenance on the same order of importance, therefore, develops a schedule and a checklist to serve as the main ready to face regularly as many tasks as possible.
  • Think appoint an inspector to ensure that all maintenance is performed well and on time. Make one person responsible for overseeing the work of the rest.
  • Leave room in the plan for improvements and new ideas. Once you start work, make sure to ask workers to contribute with ideas (each can offer good suggestions). Think of ways to reward and show your sincere appreciation for their work. Workers who feel unappreciated tend to not work or doing fast and carelessly.