How to paint a concrete floor to look like rock

The floor is cement durable, inexpensive and usually as boring as a gray walkway. But this does not have to stay that way. Painting imitations of cobblestones on a concrete floor can be an inexpensive and creative alternative.

Instructions :

  1. Clean the area of use. Wipe with barrels and mop and allow drying. Sand the area lightly with sandpaper and then clean the floor again. Let the floor dry for at least 24 hours.
  2. Apply waterproof sealant cement to seal the porous surface of the concrete floor using a large roller. The sealant acts as a unifying agent between concrete and paint and prevents bubbles and impurities. Your work will be better with the sealant below, so do not slate this step.
  3. Draw the design of the pavers using templates or freehand. Do randomly, but gently together and forms should not have to be perfect rocks represent, but should be similar in size.
  4. Paint the stones with two coats of paint of cement cobble tone or tone softer ground you can use. Use a small roller. Leave a space of 24 hours drying time between coats.
  5. Apply dark gray paint, brown or terracotta edges of each paver to highlight and apply shadows. Use sponges to paint. Let dry for 24 hours.
  6. Apply at least two coats of clear sealer with a big roller, allowing the sealer to dry for about 24 hours between coats. Let dry for three or four days before walking on the floor.

Tips & Warnings

  • The instruction manuals and equipment for these projects are available online or at craft stores.
  • A team of two component epoxy paint is more durable and more expensive than cement paint. The transparent oil-based polyurethane is better than the variety in water, but tend to turn yellow over time
  • The cement dye can also work for this project, but keep in mind it will give an unpredictable and permanent project to the surface color.
  • The water-based paints are better for your health and for the environment, but not always last as long as oil paints or epoxy. Note the location of your project: the high traffic areas or who are exposed to climate change may require a more durable paint.
  • If you use epoxy paint instead of latex, take safety measures, the epoxy is extremely toxic. Also, if you are not using a properly mix could be always wet.